
Grønne Flirting Tips

Design field: Conceptual Design

Client: Emma Brejner

Worked at: Design School Kolding

Year: 2021

“Green Flirting Tips” is a fictional campaign from Tuborg, that tries to minimize sexual harrassment in the nightlife by shedding light on how people should treat each other when flirting.

Skills learned:

According to an American survey where straight men were asked why they catcall, 85% responded with “because I like the woman” and 73% said “because it’s the normal way of flirting.

So these men were catcalling because they didn’t know better. Because of this, I wanted to give these men tips on flirting, in order to get them to turn away from catcalling, when trying to express sexual interest.

I went out in the nightlife and asked around 50 people in the ages 19-35, how they would like to be flirted with. From the answers I compiled a series of flirting tips, that would help the inexperienced (or “green”) flirter.

I chose to print the tips on beer labels, to make them more visible in the nightlife (where the majority of sexual harassment happens). I chose Tuborg as the beer company, as they are one of the biggest brands of beer in Denmark.


A mock-up website I made for “Grønne Flirting Tips” showing how Tuborg would promote this campaign.