After The Accident

This campaign concept puts focus on the aftermath of the accident. When you see the image, you already know what has happened, even without seeing it.

Grønne Flirting Tips

“Green Flirting Tips” is a fictional campaign from Tuborg, that tries to minimize sexual harrassment in
the nightlife by shedding light
on how people should treat each other when flirting.

Cover art series

This was a freelance project that I have recently finished. The progressive rock band, Isbjörg, needed cover art for 4 singles that they were releasing in anticipation of their new album. The covers had to fit together, but also tell their own story. There was a lot of back and forth with the band and it being a band of 6 people, there were many (often different) opinions. The songs usually feature themes of love and self discovery. The songs often also have a dismal undertone.

Male Suicide Awareness

For november 2022, I wanted to focus on men’s mental health. I had just learnt that 70% of all suicides are committed by men, so I wanted to visualise that in front of an audience.